Monday, August 30, 2010

Shivalree ain't be ded yett, fuu!

So for those of you who don't know, I happen to more or less live in the 'ghetto' part of town. This surprises a lot of people considering I'm probably the least 'ghetto' person you'll ever meet-- I speak excellent english (ex-english major), have a generally mellow temperament, eagle scout, tend to stay in school, do my homework, go to church, drive the speed limit... you get the picture. If you're looking for trouble, well, you probably won't find me there.

Anyway, so the other night I was pulling in front of my house after a long day of work and I drive past this guy double parked in front of a condominium near mine. He's got his engine running and is honking his horn like he thinks it's a snare drum. I could hear him coming all the way around the circle, and it takes a little while for me to collect my apron and work things from the back seat, so he had probably been sitting there honking for a good five, possibly ten or so minutes. Well, as I'm unlocking my door a lady dressed up kind of nicely flings open the door he's parked in front of and screams "Come up to the door and knock, you idiot! Just cause you LIVE in the ghetto doesn't mean you got to BE ghetto!"

As her words registered in my mind, I imagined them appearing on a t-shirt. I have to give major props to this woman, and hope her man either shapes up or she gets a new one. You don't see that many guys these days opening the door, or walking on the outer part of the sidewalk, or doing any of those little things that show respect. I must admit it's even a little harder for me now that my car only unlocks from the driver's side-- if I want to open my date's door I usually have to run REALLY fast and hope they have trouble with the broken handle.

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