Sunday, October 31, 2010

Alone with Bear

Uneasy eyes
float along after me
a small pile of fuzziness
relaxed on red lace.
Comfortable. Concentrating. Cute
to a casual observer.
But I know glass eyes
are cold.
Wild paws are not
made for cuddling.
If only I could move
but I daren't.
In his watchful glare
I cannot sleep.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


October 20th, 2010

The poor, bruised and beaten Work Shoes Of Justin were laid to rest ceremoniously into a garbage can after more than a year of dedicated service and abuse. A Photograph is not included due to the sad state of the bodies' appearance-- we would prefer that they were remembered as they were in their better days... On a lighter note, new work shoes have been purchased ($37!!! At PayLESS???) and today have begun their courageous crusade of walking, running, and stepping in strange new gross things 8+ hours a day.

I heard today the coolest Remix of Pixar's UP- If you click on the title of this post, you will be directed to a blog featuring the video. In my opinion a work of art worth appreciating.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I love jumping.

Often it takes a running start,
a little preparation of which I am all too fond,
but the jumping is definitely there.
Over hills, into holes,
through rings and clouds
of interesting people
that’s where I’ve found my favorite past times
memories bottled up
then drunk in reflection
now a whole new part of this self.
To jump is to love
oneself and everything around.
And when I happen to land
in a bit of mud
something sharper
harder than expected
that’s when I appreciate.
The colors of soil
swirled into a fluid marble
the grandness of things still greater than myself
and the miraculous ability of one soul
to stand, recover,
rebuild the broken, severed, and burned bits
into a much better jumper.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blogging: From the Voice of the Prophets

Because I was working I missed the Priesthood Session of General Conference, so now I am going back and watching the recording online in my own personal "makeup session." I was very surprised to hear in the very first talk by Elder Russel M. Nelson very specific divine direction to us as Latter-Day Saints in the Blogging Community. I'm not a terribly active or involved member of this community, nevertheless I thought it important that I include such instruction in my humble journal. I probalby included a little more than is actually necessary, but it's all just too good and I highlighted the section I'm referring to:

"Scripture tells us that “there are many yet on the earth … who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.” Isn’t that your opportunity? You can become their own disciple of discovery!

Now in this day of the Internet, there are new and exciting ways you can do missionary work. You can invite friends and neighbors to visit the new Web site. If you have blogs and online social networks, you could link your sites to And there you can create your own personal profile. Each profile includes an expression of belief, an experience, and a testimony. Because this is a new feature, most of these profiles are available in English. Profiles in other languages will follow.

These profiles can have a profound influence for good. Two months ago a young man named Zac—a freshman in college—saw an ad for on television in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He connected with the Web site and was intrigued by the profiles of Church members. At our Web site he found the link that informed him where he could attend church. The next Sunday, dressed in a white shirt and tie, he attended church, was introduced to members of the ward, and enjoyed all three hours of meetings. He was invited to a member’s home for dinner, followed by his first missionary lesson. In less than two weeks, he was baptized and confirmed as a member of the Church. Welcome, Zac! (He is listening.)

Each exemplary follower of Jesus Christ can become an effective member missionary. Members and full-time missionaries may walk arm in arm in bringing the blessings of the gospel to cherished friends and neighbors. Many of them are of Israel, now being gathered as promised. This is all part of the preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord. He wants each of us truly to be an example of the believers.

I know that God lives. Jesus is the Christ. This is His Church. The Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith is its translator and the prophet of this last dispensation. President Thomas S. Monson is God’s prophet today. I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen."

I'm still not very well attuned to the operations of this site, but I think I've linked to the title of this post, and I will see if I can make it a more obvious part of my page. I did a little poking around myself on the site and checked out the section including member profiles. It's awesome! There are personal experiences, conversion stories, and all kinds of encouraging testimonies and information just sitting there user-friendly with photos attached. I'm going to have to start to put my own profile together and encourage others to do so. There is so much evil out there on the web and I'm glad to find a little of what is holy as well. So to all you bloggers out there: Remember You Are A Missionary!

Justin David

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Mighty Man of God

Today a lovely friend of mine up at BYU sent me a text message:
"Dearest bestest guy friends, I would really like to thank you for being such incredible men of God. Keep it up :) Alma 48:16."

There was a time when I might have though "that's nice" and switched off my phone, but I've grwon a little since then and had some time since I just started my lunch break. I opened up the book of Alma:

"17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."

I love uplifting messages that pop up in the middle of my day. Thank you, Elise! What made Moroni such a great guy was that he was a man of God. Captain Moroni was the man who fortified the cities of the Nephites. He raised the Title of Liberty and consecrated his life to defending his people, his country, and his God. One of my favorite things about Moroni was that he was kind of Mormon's hero; I mean Mormon named his son after him. When Mormon was serving as general during the final battles of the Nephites, you can see how he emulated the same strategies that the plates describe Moroni used during his great wars-- only they didn't work because the Nephites were the wickedest they had ever been, and were doomed to fail no matter how much Mormon did for them. If I could have the zeal and diligence that moroni did, if I could be half the father that Mormon was, I would be unafraid to call myself a true Man of God.
Again I have to thak Elise and all those strong, righteous, and beautiful young women out there who encourage young men to stay on the right path and true to the gospel. I can attest that we need all the help we can get, especially from you who seem to have a foot through heaven's door already.