Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Mighty Man of God

Today a lovely friend of mine up at BYU sent me a text message:
"Dearest bestest guy friends, I would really like to thank you for being such incredible men of God. Keep it up :) Alma 48:16."

There was a time when I might have though "that's nice" and switched off my phone, but I've grwon a little since then and had some time since I just started my lunch break. I opened up the book of Alma:

"17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."

I love uplifting messages that pop up in the middle of my day. Thank you, Elise! What made Moroni such a great guy was that he was a man of God. Captain Moroni was the man who fortified the cities of the Nephites. He raised the Title of Liberty and consecrated his life to defending his people, his country, and his God. One of my favorite things about Moroni was that he was kind of Mormon's hero; I mean Mormon named his son after him. When Mormon was serving as general during the final battles of the Nephites, you can see how he emulated the same strategies that the plates describe Moroni used during his great wars-- only they didn't work because the Nephites were the wickedest they had ever been, and were doomed to fail no matter how much Mormon did for them. If I could have the zeal and diligence that moroni did, if I could be half the father that Mormon was, I would be unafraid to call myself a true Man of God.
Again I have to thak Elise and all those strong, righteous, and beautiful young women out there who encourage young men to stay on the right path and true to the gospel. I can attest that we need all the help we can get, especially from you who seem to have a foot through heaven's door already.

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