Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cedo ou Tarde

     This is one of my favorite songs in Portuguese sung by the band NxZero.  Below is my own English translation of the lyrics:

Cedo ou Tarde (Sooner or Later)

When I lose my faith
I’m out of control
And I feel bad, without hope.
And all around me
There is envy
Making people
Hate each other more.

I feel alone
But I know that I’m not
Because I carry you in my thoughts.
My fear goes away
I regain my faith
And I feel that some day
I’ll still see you again,
Sooner or later.

Sooner or later
We will meet again,
I am certain, in a better place
I know that when I sing that you can hear me.

You make me want to live
And what is ours
Is hid safely
In me and in you
And just that is enough.

I feel alone
But I know that I’m not
Because I carry you in my thoughts.
My fear goes away
I regain my faith
And I feel that some day
I’ll still see you again,
Sooner or later.

Sooner or later
We will meet again,
I am certain, in a better place
I know that when I sing that you can hear me.

     I just love the hopeful outlook the lyrics have toward the future.  I don't know who the song is directed toward but I like to imagine a loving Heavenly Father looking down on us, his children, who seem so far away.  He can hear us singing but it's often hard for us to believe that.
     My favorite line is, "Me sinto só, mas eu sei que não estou" because it describes simply and eloquently what life on earth is like especially when I'm passing through a trial.  I feel alone, but I know deep down inside I know that I'm not.  With everyone moving away for the summer sometimes it's like that, too.  Looking around there aren't as many cars as usual and so many of my friends are off in far away lands and their hometowns.  Me, I'm sitting in my apartment putting my life in order and finishing up job applications.  Still I know that there will be plenty of new, as well as old, friends this summer and my life is really going swell.  Sooner or later a million things will be going on and I should really take advantage of this alone time in an empty apartment to rest up and prepare myself for those times.
     Another advantage of this free time is the opportunity I have to spend it on my knees.  During the school year I needed heavenly assistance more times than I can count and I felt really close to my Heavenly Father nearly all the time.  Now that things have calmed down I don't have as many emergencies to take to Him every day, but that means I'll have to try even harder to maintain our good relationship.  I don't want to forget that I need Him just because life is going well.  There's so much that I should do for Him so that when we meet again "sooner or later" I'll know Him because I've done his work.

      It feels good to be back on the blog.  The gospel is true, Heavenly Father hears our prayers and has a plan for us.  Sooner or later we will see His face and the face of our Redeemer again, and I'm more than certain it will be the happiest of reunions.

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