Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Day of Celebration

     Today is really a day to count my blessings.  I started my first job on BYU campus, which has turned out to be more of a blessing than I could have imagined.  Today is also the one year anniversary of my return home from serving as a missionary in São Paulo, Brazil.  My roommates and I are about to celebrate with rice, brownies, fries, and a large order of Buffalo Wild Wings.  I am sore, but so very very happy.
     I've spent the last month or so searching for jobs nearby that either a) pay good money full-time or b) provide experience in my area of study.  Unfortunately, every job I applied to rejected me.  There were a few part-time options off-campus that might have worked out, but although the pay was good I wouldn't be able to get the hours I needed; when I prayed about them I just didn't get a good feeling either.
     Now I'm working outside on a grounds crew mowing lawns and such, at what is slightly under CA's minimum wage.  I was pretty frustrated in myself for picking up a job like that- it is by far the lowest I have ever been payed for my time in my life.  I was almost regretting my decision to stay here in Utah instead of going home for the summer.  After my first day, though, I've had the nagging feeling that this is a blessing from my Father in heaven.  Despite the low pay, I'll still meet my goal this summer to make enough for me to finish school and graduate.  Work is a full day, but it starts early enough in the morning that I can still do all kinds of things before the day is over.  I also spend all day outside in the sun, so I enjoy the beautiful weather, get dirty, a descent tan, and all kinds of exercise.  When I got home, I was in a good mood and all warmed up for my exercise routine (that's why I'm sore, work itself wasn't really that rigorous).  I feel like this job is possibly one of the best things that could have happened to my summer because it gets me outside, in shape, and leaves me motivated for a productive day.  Not to mention my coworkers are pretty great.  What I thought was a last-resort job may end up being just what I needed.
      Just finished my Wild Wings.  Just what I needed; my body was crying out for rice and protein.
     On top of that, there was no better way to celebrate a year back in the real world than a visit to the temple. Tonight was Stake Sealing Night which I've wanted to go to all semester, but I never could because I was in Salt Lake every Thursday for my internship.  Tonight was my first time doing sealings and I just couldn't stop smiling.  So many of my friends were there and the covenants we were helping the deceased to make were so beautiful.  I feel like I learned so much from the experience and I look forward to the day when I'll be able to receive those blessings for myself and my own family.

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