Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Poem Just Starting Out

Thank you for reading me.
I’m a poem just starting out
And every reader counts.
I was so nervous before coming out on the page
That you’ve taken the time to get through the first stanza
Really means a lot to me.

Please don’t go yet!
I promise I won’t be too long.
I know I’m not the most entertaining poem
Or the most beautiful one,
But I can’t help it.  My writer’s still learning.
He did his best
And I really try my best.  I do.

At first I wanted to be a romantic poem.
Then a comedic one,
Then I decided it’s best to just be me.
Can I really be anything else?
My form isn’t perfect
But I like me just the way I am.
What do you think?
Someday I want to be in a book. A good book,
One that people everywhere will read.
I’ll stand tall. People will laugh, or cry,
Or just smile at me,
Turn me to their neighbor and say “look at this one!”
That would be great.  It’s nice to be wanted.

Have you ever tried writing a poem?
If not, I hope you do because it’s wonderful being one.
I’m alive, I speak, I play with words.
If only my writer could see me now,
Where I’ve gone, who has read me.
Maybe I’ll be around longer than he will? 
I could tell everyone about him!
Hey, look at my writer!  He made me!

I wonder if I have brothers and sisters. I’m sure I do.
How could I meet them?  Maybe one will be on the opposite page.
If I yell “Hello!” will they hear me?
We could get our own book together,
A collection all our own.
I hope they are happy poems, like me.
It’s so good to be happy.

It seems that I’m coming to an end.
This time with you has been real fun.
Read me again any time you like. I’ll be here waiting.
We’re friends now, aren’t we?
But I know there are all kinds of things waiting on the next page.
You better turn it.  I hope you have a wonderful time.

So long!  Thank you for reading me, 
a poem just starting out.

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