Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Institute Tuesday, 16 March 2010: Indefatigable

There were so many great topics covered in that short hour and a half class, but I just can't write about them all. The scripture we studied for that night was Helaman chapters 10 through 16, covering both the prophecies of Nephi (the son of Nephi, the son of Helaman) and the brief but powerful ministry of Samuel the Lamanite to among the Nephites. The first item of discussion was focused on the word 'Ponder,' essentially that in thinking about something, especially when it is Gospel related, often requires asking questions. Most of the revelation present in the Doctrine and Covenants for example arose from prophets and individuals who thought of questions and took the extra step to ask God what the answer was. Thanks to them we have so many wonderful gifts of guidance from our Heavenly Father.

Secondly, Brother Clark discussed the concept of 'Unwearyingness' a trait used to describe Nephi in his missionary efforts. For example, after a long time of work Nephi is headed home when he is visited by the Lord and given the Sealing Power. Immediately after receiving this great blessing, Nephi halts his return trip and returns back to the great city to continue his ministry. His level of diligence was incredible. Brother Clark presented an alternative (and somewhat more impressive sounding) word to describe such a person: indefatigable. Basically it means you are not fatigued, or untiring in your labors.Such a trait is certainly something to seek after; he suggested trying things like making a chart of steps or goals towards that end or finding someone who possesses that trait and observing them so that you may emulate their practice of it.

In this discussion we were reminded of King Benjamin's admonishment (I paraphrase) "to not run faster than you have strength." I am always more than wiling to bite off more than I can chew in my day, and when I make a "to do list" there often seems to be more on it by the end than when I started it. And when you look at the list of activities, hobbies, clubs, and organizations I have been involved in you might think that I have a bad case of ADHD. It has been a tough lesson to learn that sometimes I just need to say 'no' and not try and do everything just because it is good or fun or invigorating. The conference address several years ago "Good, Better, Best" was definitely written for the likes of me. Not to overload yourself was a lesson I learned the hard way, and am still learning.

The lesson ended with a reflection of a part of God's message for us. The adversary is quick to point out our mistakes, flaws, and the direness of out situation. However, God is there to tell us not to be discouraged and that through him and by his son we can do something about whatever problem/weakness/mistake we might face. I mean, if we have the potential to serve and to rule in God's Kingdom, what is a little earthly trial to us? Just a pop quiz in one of the longest, hardest classes we've ever taken.

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