Thursday, March 18, 2010


So recently one of the great questions in life was answered for me. Unfortunately, it also means that I have to love what is probably the most repulsive and annoying creatures ever to walk the face of the earth. What good, really, are mosquitoes to the world? Why did God make them? To scourge the wicked? Feed hungry bats? Well, I finally found someone with a good answer.

If you think about it, besides the oceans, most of the places in the world that remain green and undeveloped by rampant human 'development' remain that way because they are warm and damp and breeding grounds for... you guessed it. Mosquitoes. It turns out that Mosquitoes seem to be big "Do Not Enter, Keep out" signs for the human race at large, thus preserving enough lush greenery on the face of the planet to recycle our oxygen and keep things moving.

If it weren't for mosquitoes holding us back somewhat it is entirely possible we would have devastated the landscape to the point that Someone would have had to intervene and stop us from suffocating ourselves on our own planet. Or perhaps Someone did intervene, and that's why we have the Mosquito. So now when I thank my creator for the birds and butterflies, chocolate and writing paper, I must also give thanks for the Mosquito who reminds me not to build so much that I mess up my planet's beauty and consequently die a horrible death.

Leaving you with that pleasant thought
Beloved J.

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