Monday, June 21, 2010

Introducing My Brother

YW Leader: "Hey, are you that guy?"
Ojastro: "Which guy?"
YW Leader: "The guy with the arms!"
Ojastro: "Yeah... I'm the guy with the arms."

This is my younger brother, Ojastro Abraham (a.k.a. 'Circus'). Believe it or not, he's only been bonebreaking/waving for about a year-- he's just awesome like that. This is him performing at youth conference last friday. He had about four days to put that routine together, hindered somewhat by the fact that the website he uses to make remixes shut down; fortunately he found out how to use the one on our computer just in the nick of time. Oh, and for all you screaming ladies in the background, he's only sixteen (seventeen in October) so he's not back from his mission for at least another four years. In the meantime, just relax and enjoy the show.

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